
by Artilect Ltd

Health & Fitness


Habithealth+ is an app designed to be your ‘pocket health coach’. habithealth+ puts you in the driver’s seat and enables you to prioritise your wellbeing by giving you the tools to make healthier choices. Developed by New Zealand’s leading provider of integrated healthcare, habithealth+ supports you to do the things that often fall off the list. It supports healthy habits like moving more, sleeping better, improving your mindset and eating well. The app connects with your Android phone, measuring steps, sleep and key wearable data, to give you insights into your activities. It provides daily activity and sleep scores - so you can understand how you are tracking and more importantly provide guidance and support on how to improve, or reset when things are sliding. The app is easy to set up and provides ongoing advice, guidance and support. habithealth+ can work in tandem with professional support from our wide range of clinical professionals and makes booking appointments easy. It also features prompts and notifications to build your skills & capabilities, along with the tools to put these into action in your life.